Saturday, December 17, 2005

Postcard To Gordon...Week 2

Dear Gordon,

Happy two week birthday!! You continue to amaze me. Your younger brothers and/or sisters will have you to thank. You are such a treat to have, that if all babies turn out like you, you can expect 11 siblings. (Your mom may put the kibosh on that one though!).

This Postcard can't help but be influenced by the events that took place this week with your grandmother. It made me truly realize that with every new beginning, there must also be an end. It's something we are all aware of, but it often takes a close call to bring the point home.

It made me think of you. I realized that some day, inevitably, I will leave you. I thought of that day, and what moved me the most was how that will impact you.

It also made me think of how important it is, no matter how old you are, or how old I am, that you know I love you. At two weeks old, I can't stop kissing you, and telling you I love you, (and soon you will be able to return the sentiment). But at what point will that change? I know I will never stop kissing and saying I love you, but the sincerity, honesty and depth I put into sharing my feelings (and you will put into yours as a child) is something that I'm sure will change - and that saddens me.

I want you to know that the way I feel for you today, is not going to change. If it does, it will only change for the better. I will care for you more deeply, respect you for the man you have become, and admire the things you have accomplished.

I will try my best to remember the promise I make to you today, and I ask you eventually do the same. I will never feel ashamed or embarrassed to share my feelings with you, and tell you just how important you are to meā€¦because I love you Gordon, and when my day comes, only that will remain.


At Monday, December 19, 2005 10:37:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Steve,
I cannot help but comment on your heartwarming "birthday" note to your precious son (my grandson). It brought tears (of happiness) to my eyes reading the words of my very own son (whom I love unconditionally) explaining to his "little boy" how much he loves him. As a parent, I know, in these past 2 weeks, how strong your feelings have become for Gordie, and how much stronger they will be as he grows up into a beautiful little boy, then becomes a handsome teenager and how very proud you will be of the good man he will have become. Gordie is one lucky little guy to have you as his father.
And as I continued to read, it brought tears (of sadness) to my eyes. I understand that what happened this past weekend was totally out of anyone's control, however, it is a parent's worst nightmare to have their child go through what you went through. My heart aches each time I think back of how (although you were so strong for me with your tender touch and reassuring words) as only a mother would know, your eyes confirmed that you were still my baby boy who looked so scared and helpless....and that saddens me.
I will always love you Steven, more than you will ever know.
Your mom


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