Sunday, January 29, 2006

Postcards from Insomnia...

My favourite part of the day is usually mid afternoon, right after Gord's feed. He is full, content, and wide eyed. It's so intoxicating to have him on my lap, or in my hands face to face. He's at the point now where his neck is strong enough to hold his own head up, so we can have some fun with him in various positions. It's absolutely amazing to see him transform from the helpless log he was 8 weeks ago, to the emerging monkey he is.

He has discovered, among other things, his own voice...and not only his voice, but how to use it. He whimpers, he coos, he yells (yes, there is a difference between crying and yelling - every so often, he'll vary himself up from the usual crying whimpering crying whimpering routine and throw in a very obnoxious "AH!" as though to say 'HEY, what the hell are you doing that is more important than looking at me??'). He also will, which is an obvious favourite, but oh so rare, laugh. He has this hearty belly laugh that makes an appearance every so often - and like an eclipse of the sun, it is quite a thing to experience. I can just imagine several weeks from now when the laughs become a regular thing.

Having said that, it is nice to see a 'baby' emerging. For weeks now, he has been (with the very large exception of the crying) very 'vulcan' like. Everything has been about him reasoning and trying to figure out why things are happening - and exhibiting no emotion. For example, you would think the milk out the nose incident would make him cry... no. He just sat there with this look on his face that screamed -"hmm, that was a curious incident... I have yet to experience that sort of thing. I wonder how often this is going to take place...". Not a peep. Same for his massive vomits that he has had. Again, that "Whoa, what the hell was that" face is all he gives us. I've been afraid that Gord was going to go from infant to a brief case carrying, pipe smoking sort of Sherlock Holmes personality type ...
"How was your first day of pre-school Gordie, did you have a good time?
"Most indubitably, but it's elementary my dear father'.
Of course my nightmare has him equipped with the british accent as well.

I just couldn't picture him being a little kid -
"Go to sleep Gordon"
"I just want a glug of milk... A GLUUUGG OOOOF MIII-IIII-IIILK!!!!"

So yeah, it's nice to see that kid personality coming out.

Anyhow, I should sign off and try some sleep... I got up for his feed tonight - as kim let's me sleep during the 'work' week, I figured I could let her sleep and I would get up for his feed on weekends - well, actually, Kim figured that as I get to sleep during the week, I could get up for his feed on the weekends ... and I said 'ok dear'.



At Sunday, January 29, 2006 7:49:00 a.m., Blogger Dave said...

Heh. Sounds like "Baby Stewie". Might have to find Gordo some red overalls......


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