Thursday, March 09, 2006

Postcards from... BOR-ING - Don't even bother reading this, it is incredibly incredibly boring... Seriously

Well, I sure haven't posted much lately... anything substantial anyhow. I just feel there hasn't been much to write about. There are only so many ways I can talk about how cute I think Gord is before even he starts rolling his eyes.

So, I figured I would just start typing, and hopefully something relevant emerges. So far it's not looking so good...

Let's see... well, Kim took him to get weighed today - 12lbs 14ounces. Fatty Fatterson! And, he measures in at 24 1/4 inches. He's half way to my grade 10 height!

He's been sleeping alright, with an exception here and there. There being last night. We put him down around 7ish, and he should have slept until 3-4 then again until 6:30-8... but, he was quite restless and was up every couple hours from midnight on.

Well, we met my sisters new boyfriend last night. She started a new job about a month ago, where they met, and first went out with him, let's call him 'Jay', on Valentines Day. By February 17th, when I first heard about him, she was already in deep. Needless to say, things are quite serious by now, and from what I understand some major plans are in discussion. I don't think they are planning on taking their time. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a fall wedding (or a spring baby!! Next spring just for clarification).

We played poker. Then Euchre.

This is really boring. I'm going to stop.



At Friday, March 10, 2006 10:36:00 a.m., Blogger BeechballBeatsCancer said...

I thought it was rather amusing! I enjoyed the part where you made fun of your height the most! :P Keep posting damnit, I am catching up to you and my posts are MUCH more boring than yours! Anxiously awaiting more stuff to read about :P

At Friday, March 10, 2006 6:49:00 p.m., Blogger Dave said...

Were you that tall in Grade 10? Must have had a growth spurt after I graduated.....



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