Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Postcard From The Biggest Tangent Ever...

What a crummy day!

We all woke up in a bit of a funk today. Gord slept pretty good last night and woke for the day at 7 (which is SO much better than the 5 am habit he was getting in to). The weather was crappy, and it just seemed to be a blugh day.

I worked from home today - lot's of little tedious crap that piles up, and makes you feel like you are working, but not actually accomplishing anything. My 'slow' period is coming up, and I'm not too sure when it actually starts - so I'm not too sure when I should feel it's ok to slow down. I really want to 'hit my number', and I don't think I am going to relax until I know for certain I haven't been completely faking it all year.

Anyhow, enough of that crap!

Gord Gord Gord Gord Gord Gord Gord...

Whoa was he cranky today. So teething!

Ok, I was about to go into some detail about Gord and his cranky teething, but I just had my mind 'blown'!

I really don't want to trivialize this, or mean any disrespect in the slightest, but I can not believe what I just read - if you follow the link, scroll immediately to the bottom of the page and read from the bottom up (in chronological order) before reading the top entry - Click Here.


I'm not sure I can really go anywhere with this postcard following that, so I will leave Gord's crankiness for another day...



At Thursday, June 01, 2006 10:01:00 a.m., Blogger Melinda said...

I remember reading about this on yesterday - what an incredibly sad story. They mentioned a blog kept by the family, but I hadn't gone out to try and find it yet. Did you search for it or just find it randomly?

On a different note - hope Gordie feels better soon :)

At Sunday, June 04, 2006 12:19:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck knew about this from the National Post and as I read it, he didn't reveal the shocking reality of it. I was shocked to say the least. What a beautiful story though, knowing that these families are such loving people. I can't even imagine.

And way to go Gord on the eating! Getting those teeth can be nasty! Hope they cut through soon so you can be happy Gord again for mom and dad!


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