Saturday, May 27, 2006

Postcards from the spa...

Well, over the last week, Gord has become increasingly fascinated with his new discovery. (And no, it is not his penis). He will be playing with a toy, grabbing something, or just partaking in general flailing, and his hand will pass his face and grab his attention. Whatever he was doing is quickly forgotten and he is mesmerized by this five digit appendage. He will stare intently at his hand, gently waving to himself, or slowly turning it from front to back examining every follicle as though admiring his new manicure. It is quite cute.

The ironic thing is, last week I went out for lunch with a prof at Laurier who has a daughter born two weeks after Gord. We always end up talking about our kids and one thing he mentioned was Madeleine's recent fascination with her hand (I have to give him credit for the 'manicure' analogy). When he asked if Gord was doing this, I had to say 'no'. However, the very next day, it suddenly began. (Kim made a good point - even though Gord is older, she was born 10 days late, while Gord was born 3 weeks early - so I'm sure there are some developmental differences based on that fact).

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(That was Gordo's attempt at blogging by the way).


At Saturday, May 27, 2006 11:32:00 a.m., Blogger Tam's thoughts said...

How cute. Still waiting for a visit. I'm certain he Gord wants his parents to drive him to visit his favorite aunt and uncle, who in a few months will be giving him a play mate.

At Saturday, May 27, 2006 7:07:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVED when our girls discovered their hands! We got it on video!

It's I doing that?


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