Postcards From... The Sunday Son Review Vol. 3
Ahh, Sunday.
This past week Gord has come down with a really bad runny/clogged nose and a cough. It's so sad to hear him coughing and wheezing at night. His nose gets so clogged that he must breath through his mouth - as a result he can't keep his soother in. This causes him quite the dilemma. If he becomes conscious enough and replaces the soother into his mouth it quickly inhibits the breathing so it just ends up frustrating the hell out of him . Very sad.
Otherwise, he is generally happy when awake. He loves to walk. We spend a lot of time with him holding our fingers and letting him guide us all over. His tactic is to lean way forward and have his feet catch up to his upper body. Also his feet point outwards so he kinda walks like a duck... I'm sure the hockey skates will cure him of that.
That was technically a joke, however I am slightly considering making a rink in our back yard. As I realize Gord can't officially walk yet, I think he will be walking soon and I think it would be fun to get him on skates (while holding onto us... or a hockey stick, mwa ha ha). Not to mention it would be fun for Kim and I to skate (even if it is only 30 x 20 ft).
While he has not taken to walking yet, he has however started brief instances of crawling as though he was a real baby! He still spends most of his travel as a wounded soldier, but a few times today he went short distances on the official 'fours'. It was nice to see.
Then there is the obvious around here - Gord is going to be ONE YEAR OLD soon! It blows, my, mind. This year went by so much faster than the '05 pregger.
Unfortunately it will be a fairly low key birthday as far as the amount of people are concerned. It's looking like it will be just Kim and I bringing in Gordo's inaugural birthday as no family is able to make the trek south - understandably with the weather and Christmas and work schedules etc.
Well that's that. Enjoy Monday!

aww!! baby butt crack. :)
haha that's what I was about to say, so cute! Just so you know, I bought a ice rink from Walmart for $20. I think it's basically a 10' x 20' "baggie" that you fill with water, and when it's frozen you peel the top off leaving you with a rink! Check it out:
I bought it for Dan's niece and nephew... for $20 at Wally mart, it's worth a shot.
no one ask us if we could make it
HOORAY! Tammy, Dave and Alex are coming!!!! Cause I know you wouldn't be mean enough to say that so we could ask you only for you to say "no". Hope it's true!
Hmm.. I would really like to go myself. We've been planning to take a trip down soon (I can't believe it's been a year since we were there last!) I should discuss it with Colin (that is, if'n you really do want people there) - We would love to see Dave, Tam & Alex too. So if they're serious about going to be there as well, that would be super - cause we could see everyone at once, and would also cut down on driving time (though I'm sure you and Kim don't want a house full - but we should find out a plan or somethin' if you are interested) :)
What about Rudy? Lets talk about it. I was asking Dave if he's off that weekend. Call us and will talk
Lynds cut back on driving? We are only 10 min from the 400 not far at all. Plus your the only one that hasn't seen Alex or our house yet. We would love for you two to come visit. There are bridal shops here. Better than the one in Sudbury
Wow, this is great guys. Gord would love to have his Aunties and Uncles visit on his birthday (and so would we!!!). We've already planned to start our tradition of decorating the house, putting up the tree etc. for Saturday so if you guys could come down on Sunday for his birthday that would be super. In fact, that might work out well if you guys all want to spend the night in Innisfil on Saturday and then travel here together on Sunday. What do you guys think? We'd be so excited to actually have a birthday party for Gord! We'll be in touch.
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