Postcards From... The Sunday Son Review Vol. 2

Ok, Gordon eh...
Well, I have definitely noticed a change in him this week - and I'm not just making something up so I have something to 'Review'. He has really improved in his motor skills (in the larger and more literal sense of the word... he really "motor's" around now).
As I mentioned last week, Gord goes through stages where he learns a new skill and is happy in perfecting this skill. However soon after he gets restless and wants/needs to move to the next challenge (all the while driving us a little crazy as he can't be satisfied for long playing by himself before getting frustrated at his lack of this new and wanted skill). Well, it's been nice these last few days because he is quite happy with his 'surfing' along the couches and coffee table.
Our new furniture (upstairs living room) is set up so that Gord really has access to a wide variety of areas. He typically spends most of his time however circling the coffee table. He LOVES to be chased around this. He gets a kick out of being frightened and all I need to do is get on all fours, growl/snarl a little and he takes off around the table. He starts giggling, and the closer I get the harder he laughs until it erupts climactically as I eventually engage him. It's cute when he wants to be chased more, because he gets the look on his face that just screams (come chase me... chase me... chase me... and he takes off around the table).
He's really developed a concept of 'falling'. He knows that if he doesn't hold on to something, he is going to fall. While holding onto the table, or couch, he bends down to grab something at his feet, and it is SO cute to see the concentration on his face. He plants his feet, secures a grip on whatever surface he is next to and bends down with such seriousness on his face. His little arm extended to the ground while the other is holding on with all his strength. Most times the item is out of reach so he needs to pull himself back upright and reposition himself. He's become good enough at it that we don't worry about the few falls that inevitably happen. Very rarely does he take a large enough spill that warrants a consoling hug.
It's amazing how some spills that look fairly harmless bother him, while others that look horrendous are not all that bad. Yesterday he was playing by the piano when he thought it would be a good idea to try and scale it. He held firmly to the side and literally lifted himself off the ground where only one toe made contact with the surface under him. This surface ended up being a toy that didn't provide the best stability which resulted in him slipping back down to the ground. Not exactly straight down, but rather down and to the front. His head luckily found its way into the only space in proximity which happened to be just slightly wider than the distance from ear to ear - his shoulders prevented him from falling flat on his face as his head poked through the gap between the back base of the piano and the decorative 'pillar' on the front corner.
(Gord however is unscathed compared to his little buddy who he played with yesterday. This little guy, as a result of his older brother, has some serious tumbles that amazingly do nothing to break his spirit - or his bones. I witnessed this little guy get pushed backwards down the one step into the sunken living room and land on his head! After a very brief pick up and hug from his mom, he went about his business. It explains the few bruises that were present on his forehead.)
Other than that, all is well. We are still in the honeymoon phase of him sleeping all night, and feel guilty about complaining when he wakes up early (5:40 - 6 am). This is much better than waking up a few times throughout the night. We've noticed that regardless the time he goes to bed, he will still wake up around 6. Either way, he goes down consistently between 6:30 and 7:30pm, so it gives us a nice evening to ourselves. Every night though I still think to myself, "this could be the night... the night he doesn't go to sleep and decides to stay awake". Luckily I haven't been right yet.
Ok, he's been down for a nap for 40 minutes now, so I should take advantage of the little time I have left... I'm not even going to proof read... oh the insanity.

hehe, oh gordie is so cute! I can't believe he's almost walking and almost talking - it's insanity!
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