Monday, March 20, 2006

Postcards From Second Place...

Well, I don't know what I was thinking... I kept encouraging kim to start a blog, and finally - voila.

I am already starting to feel inferior. I've been slowly losing my 'pants' in this household, with Kim being so friggen amazing at this 'parenting/homemaker' gig of hers... Updating the world on our current events was my last stronghold. And now, she is about to take me over on that as well. Soon, i will wither away into the internet black hole along side "flashy animated gif's", and just behind "Frames".

I'm not trying to feel sorry for myself, or feeling insecure, I just know she's going to kick my writing ass.

I should have learned my lesson. Before University, we went to different highschools. And quite honestly I thought my school was harder. We both ended our final year top of our class (Well, I think in second spot to be specific - Damn that 1/2 percent!!) So, when we registered at the same University, and shared some of the same classes, I looked forward to proving my intellectual superiority... and well... I'll let the Masters speak for itself.

There have been a few other incidents over the years, and any time I think I have an edge over Kim, she slaps me upside the head with a huge-ass dose of reality.

Well, actually, let's look at it this way... Kim's posts are from her point of view right... stay with me here... and WHO is in this view... ME... eh eh... so, if her writing proves to contain more entertainment value, who is responsible??

See look at his... she has ONE post and I'm already writing trash... I better step it up.



At Monday, March 20, 2006 12:05:00 p.m., Blogger BeechballBeatsCancer said...

Hang in there Steve, I promise I will still post comments even if Kim's posts are better! ;) haha j/k! You two need to post on MINE too you know, otherwise, what's the point! *sigh* lol I give you both plenty of grace cause you have lives, but I... currently don't therefore I post asap... like the sad, sad girl that I am! lol Take care, keep it up, love to read new stuff!
Bye for now!


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