Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Postcards From The Guy You Find At Your Front Door Who Starts The Conversation With "Hi I'm Steve, and today I would like to talk to you about..."

Don't you hate it when someone you know joins, say a network marketing (MLM) company (like avon/amway), or worse yet, becomes a born again christian and then all they talk about is this new 'lifestyle' and try so desperately to have you sign up or whatever it is you need to do to join the cult???

Well, I may not have found 'Jeebus', but I am going to make an attempt to have you do something that that I most recently found myself doing. . .

As noted earlier, I donated some money to the Children's Health Foundation. I was on their website, and couldn't help but feel that my donation while i'm sure appreciated, doesn't even make a dent in the needs that this foundation requires.

I have always had an emotional side when it came to children, but with some of the recent events over the last few years, this foundation (and other's like it) have really hit home... including close friends of ours who required the assistance of this foundation's services for their son... also, Kim most recently had a mother in her "Mom's Group" make use of this foundation... This little girl, 6 months old, had difficulties from birth and required open heart surgery. She was released from the hospital last week while waiting for additional procedures, and for unexplained reasons passed away in her sleep 2 nights later. Kim attended the memorial/wake friday night, and we are still unable to shake the unapologetic bleakness that fogs our emotional state of mind.

Perhaps if Gordon wasn't in our lives, or if it hadn't happened to the ones we call friends, it would be easier to accept these happenings as part of the 'big picture'. But the fact of the matter is, I hear these experiences, I read the stories online, and I can't help but think of Gord, and I can't help but become welled up.

It is unfortunate that it has taken this long (and so many 'close to home' factors) to realize the importance of these charities/foundations... And this is where the "Join My Cult" plea comes in...
I ask for 1 of 2 favours... (or both)... Please follow this link, and make a donation (of any size - even $5). If you recently have donated to a charity, or are unable to do so, and you have a blog, please put a link to the Children's Health Foundation - (or local children's charity) on your site with a similar request.

Please post a comment letting me (and anyone else here) know if you are able to do one of these simple requests...

As important this issue has become to me, I promise this will be the one and only blatant request for an effort on your part, so please don't blacklist me as pauperizer.



At Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:00:00 p.m., Blogger BeechballBeatsCancer said...

For you, and for Gordie, I will do both. It's the least I could do to help out a children's foundation. The hard part about donating is that no matter how much, or how often I donate, it never feels like it's enough. The best I can do, is to try the best that I can.

At Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:24:00 p.m., Blogger BeechballBeatsCancer said...

Done and done! Im sure they need the $20 more than I do, seeing as I'll just end up spending it on Tim Hortons. check out my page


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